Colourful & Captivating- A Beginner’s Guide to LPS Coral Keeping

Are you skimming magazines for LPS corals? Great choice! Large Polyp Stony corals are colourful and fascinating creatures. They can often add enchantment to your aquarium. But before you start, let us learn why you opt for LPS corals and how to take care of them.

Why Choose LPS Corals?

LPS corals look amazing! They have stunning colours and interesting shapes. Further, they’re easier to care for than some other types of coral. This reassurance often makes them perfect for beginners.

Setting Up Your Tank

Before you bring home your LPS corals, make sure your tank is ready for them:

1. Quality of the Water: Keep the water clean. Confirm the right temperature and salinity. Test the water regularly to make sure it’s healthy for your corals.

2. Lighting: LPS Corals in BC Canada need good lighting. Use LED or T5 lights to mimic sunlight.

3. Water Flow: Corals need gentle water movement. Operate a wavemaker or any powerhead to create gentle currents in the tank.

4. Substrate and Decor: Use a live rock or coral sand for your corals to attach to. Add some decorations for them to hide in.

Common LPS Coral Species

There are many types of LPS corals, but here are a few popular ones:

Hammer Coral: Looks like a hammer and comes in different colours.
Torch Coral: Has long, flowy tentacles and bright colours.
Favia Coral: Known for its cool patterns and bold colours.

Wrapping up

LPS corals in Canada are a fantastic choice for any aquarium. These options are easy to care for and can make your tank look amazing. Just recollect to keep an eye on the water quality and enjoy watching them grow. Happy coral hunting!

To know more details about Easy Soft Corals for Your Reef Tank please visit our website:

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